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French Academy of Sciences

French Academy of Sciences

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French Academy of Sciences, Academy of Sciences in France

The French Academy of Sciences is an eminent learned society dedicated to the advancement of science.

Founded on December 22, 1666, by Louis XIV's decree, it has been instrumental throughout its history in promoting science.

The academy is a meeting place for France's most distinguished scholars and a catalyst for international scientific exchange.

Throughout the year, the academy hosts various meetings, symposiums, and public sessions.

Its members have included leading scientists like Pierre-Simon Laplace and Marie Curie.

Inception: December 22, 1666

Founder: Jean-Baptiste Colbert


Source: Wikimedia


French Academy of Sciences Academy of Sciences in France

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French Academy of Sciences
French Academy of Sciences Academy of Sciences in France
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Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France Library of French learned society
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6-8 rue de Seine
6-8 rue de Seine House in 6th arrondissement of Paris, France
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