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Iceland, Island nation in the North Atlantic.

Iceland, a Nordic island nation, is known for its hot springs, glaciers, and geysers.

The first permanent settlers in Iceland were Norse seafarers who arrived in about 870 AD.

The traditional Icelandic way of living includes farming and fishing due to the nation's rich natural resources.

As a tourist destination, Iceland is famous for the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis.

It is the least densely populated country in the world.

Inception: December 1, 1918

Capital city: Reykjavík

Population: 364260


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Iceland Island nation in the North Atlantic.

Iceland 0 m
Iceland Island nation in the North Atlantic.
Iceland 0 m
Eyjafjallajökull Volcano in Iceland

Iceland 166.8 km
Eyjafjallajökull Volcano in Iceland
Iceland 166.8 km
Blue Lagoon Geothermal spa in Iceland

Iceland 242 km
Blue Lagoon
Blue Lagoon Geothermal spa in Iceland
Iceland 242 km
Hallgrímskirkja Church in Reykjavík, Iceland

Iceland 205.3 km
Hallgrímskirkja Church in Reykjavík, Iceland
Iceland 205.3 km
Fagradalsfjall Volcano in Iceland

Iceland 233.3 km
Fagradalsfjall Volcano in Iceland
Iceland 233.3 km
Icelandic Phallological Museum Penis museum in Iceland.

Iceland 205.3 km
Icelandic Phallological Museum
Icelandic Phallological Museum Penis museum in Iceland.
Iceland 205.3 km
Laki Volcano in Iceland

Iceland 102.5 km
Laki Volcano in Iceland
Iceland 102.5 km
Thingvellir National Park National park in Iceland

Iceland 165.2 km
Thingvellir National Park
Thingvellir National Park National park in Iceland
Iceland 165.2 km
Thridrangaviti Lighthouse Lighthouse in Southern Region, Iceland

Iceland 203.1 km
Thridrangaviti Lighthouse
Thridrangaviti Lighthouse Lighthouse in Southern Region, Iceland
Iceland 203.1 km
Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland

Iceland 120.6 km
Gullfoss Waterfall in Iceland
Iceland 120.6 km
Hekla Volcano in Iceland

Iceland 133.4 km
Hekla Volcano in Iceland
Iceland 133.4 km
« Iceland - Island nation in the North Atlantic. » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.