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Risiera di San Sabba, Nazi concentration camp in Italy

Risiera di San Sabba is a former rice-hulling facility turned into the only Nazi concentration camp for the detention and killing of political prisoners in Italy.

During World War II, Risiera di San Sabba was used by the Nazis for the transit, detention, and extermination of many people.

The site now serves as a museum and a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust and Nazi atrocities.

Visitors can explore historical exhibits at Risiera di San Sabba, which include original cells, crematorium, and photographic documentation.

Risiera di San Sabba stands as a unique testament to the tragic events of World War II in Trieste, Italy.

Location: Trieste

Address: via Giovanni Palatucci 5 34148

Opening Hours: Monday-Sunday,Holidays 09:00-17:00; December 25,January 01 off; December 24,31 09:00-13:00

Phone: +39040826202



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Risiera di San Sabba Nazi concentration camp in Italy

Risiera di San Sabba is a former rice-hulling facility turned into the only Nazi concentration camp for the detention and killing of political prisoners in Italy.

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Risiera di San Sabba Nazi concentration camp in Italy
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