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Uji City Botanical Garden

Uji City Botanical Garden

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Uji City Botanical Garden, Botanical garden in Japan

The Uji City Botanical Garden is a sprawling park renowned for its vast collection of plant species and serene atmosphere.

Established on October 26, 1996, this botanical garden has been a center for plant conservation and education.

The garden embodies Japanese aesthetics and design principles, providing visitors with traditional landscape experiences.

Open year-round, the Uji City Botanical Garden offers seasonal displays and various educational programs.

It features a unique blending of native flora with foreign plant species, fostering a global botanical environment.

Inception: October 26, 1996

Source: Wikimedia


Uji City Botanical Garden Botanical garden in Japan

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Uji City Botanical Garden
Uji City Botanical Garden Botanical garden in Japan
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