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Üvecik Tepe

Location: Ezine

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Üvecik Tepe

Turkey 0 m
Turkey 0 m
Sanctuary of Troy

Turkey 7.1 km
Sanctuary of Troy
Turkey 7.1 km
Troy VII Archaeological site in Turkey

Turkey 7.1 km
Troy VII
Troy VII Archaeological site in Turkey
Turkey 7.1 km
Roman Odeon (Ilion)

Turkey 7.1 km
Roman Odeon (Ilion)
Turkey 7.1 km
Hisarlik Archaeological site in Turkey

Turkey 7.2 km
Hisarlik Archaeological site in Turkey
Turkey 7.2 km
Bouleuterion (Troy) Bouleuterion (council-chamber) of Greek and Roman Ilion

Turkey 7.2 km
Bouleuterion (Troy)
Bouleuterion (Troy) Bouleuterion (council-chamber) of Greek and Roman Ilion
Turkey 7.2 km
Temple of Athena at Ilion A Doric order temple with a peripteral plan at Ilion

Turkey 7.3 km
Temple of Athena at Ilion
Temple of Athena at Ilion A Doric order temple with a peripteral plan at Ilion
Turkey 7.3 km
Troy Museum Archaeological museum in Turkey

Turkey 7.5 km
Troy Museum
Troy Museum Archaeological museum in Turkey
Turkey 7.5 km
HMS E14 Submarine in United Kingdom

United Kingdom 9.7 km
HMS E14 Submarine in United Kingdom
United Kingdom 9.7 km
Sigeion Ancient city in Turkey

Turkey 10.1 km
Sigeion Ancient city in Turkey
Turkey 10.1 km
Bozcaada Castle Castle in Turkey

Turkey 13 km
Bozcaada Castle
Bozcaada Castle Castle in Turkey
Turkey 13 km
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