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Belfry of Veurne, édifice en Belgique

Location: Veurne

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Belfry of Veurne Édifice en Belgique

Belgium 0 m
Belfry of Veurne
Belfry of Veurne Édifice en Belgique
Belgium 0 m
Landshuis Building in Veurne, Belgium

Belgium 19 m
Landshuis Building in Veurne, Belgium
Belgium 19 m
Sint-Walburgakerk Church building in Belgium

Belgium 45 m
Sint-Walburgakerk Church building in Belgium
Belgium 45 m
Town hall of Veurne Building in Veurne, Belgium

Belgium 49 m
Town hall of Veurne
Town hall of Veurne Building in Veurne, Belgium
Belgium 49 m
Grote Markt Market square in Veurne

Belgium 64 m
Grote Markt
Grote Markt Market square in Veurne
Belgium 64 m
Spaans Paviljoen Building in Veurne, Belgium

Belgium 77 m
Spaans Paviljoen
Spaans Paviljoen Building in Veurne, Belgium
Belgium 77 m
Karel Cogge Sculpture in Veurne, Belgium

Belgium 79 m
Karel Cogge
Karel Cogge Sculpture in Veurne, Belgium
Belgium 79 m
Vleeshal Building in Veurne, Belgium, originally a butchers' hall, later a theatre, now a library and tourist info

Belgium 81 m
Vleeshal Building in Veurne, Belgium, originally a butchers' hall, later a theatre, now a library and tourist info
Belgium 81 m

Belgium 122 m
Belgium 122 m
Sint-Niklaaskerk Historic church in Belgium

Belgium 136 m
Sint-Niklaaskerk Historic church in Belgium
Belgium 136 m
« Belfry of Veurne - édifice en Belgique » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.