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Pont de Berne, Road bridge in Switzerland

The Bern Bridge spans the Sarine river in Fribourg.

Constructed in the 16th century, the structure showcases medieval bridge architecture.

It's a Class A Swiss cultural property of national significance.

Provides a vital connection for vehicular and pedestrian traffic across the river.

The bridge features a prominent chapel at its center.

Location: Fribourg

Length: 40 m

Material: wood

Address: Place du Petit-Saint-Jean / Rue des Forgerons

Source: Wikimedia


Pont de Berne Road bridge in Switzerland

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Pont de Berne
Pont de Berne Road bridge in Switzerland
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Forge of the Balme known as Mooses House Residential building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Forge of the Balme known as Mooses House
Forge of the Balme known as Mooses House Residential building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland
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Auberge de l'Ange Inn building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Auberge de l'Ange
Auberge de l'Ange Inn building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland
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Auberge de la Cigogne Gasthaus building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Auberge de la Cigogne
Auberge de la Cigogne Gasthaus building in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland
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Gothic House Alley house in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Gothic House
Gothic House Alley house in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland
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Techtermann House Alley house in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Techtermann House
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Rue des Forgerons 19, Fribourg
Rue des Forgerons 19, Fribourg Bauwerk in der Schweiz
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Fountain of St. Anne Decorative fountain with statue in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Fountain of St. Anne
Fountain of St. Anne Decorative fountain with statue in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland
Switzerland 145 m
« Pont de Berne - Road bridge in Switzerland » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.