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Ancient theatre of Lyon, Ancient theatre in Lyon, France

The Ancient Theatre of Fourvière is a Roman theatre built on the hill of Fourvière, in Lyon, France.

Built around 15 BC, it was expanded during the reign of Hadrian.

Today, it hosts the Nuits de Fourvière festival, showcasing music, theatre, and dance performances.

It can be reached via the Funicular of Old Lyon.

It's one of the oldest theatres in France that still hosts performances.

Location: 5th arrondissement of Lyon

Inception: 15 BCE

Diameter: 108 m

Source: Wikimedia


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Chapelle du couvent de la Visitation Sainte-Marie de Fourvière
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Chapelle de Marie-Thérèse de Lyon
Chapelle de Marie-Thérèse de Lyon Chapel located in Rhône, in France
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Saint Antoine de Padoue Statue in 5th arrondissement of Lyon, France
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Place du Cloître de Fourvière Voie de Lyon, France

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Place du Cloître de Fourvière
Place du Cloître de Fourvière Voie de Lyon, France
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Chapelle Sainte-Claudine-Thévenet Chapel located in Rhône, in France

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Chapelle Sainte-Claudine-Thévenet
Chapelle Sainte-Claudine-Thévenet Chapel located in Rhône, in France
France 331 m
« Ancient theatre of Lyon - Ancient theatre in Lyon, France » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.