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La République

La République

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La République, sculpture by Jean-François Soitoux

Welcome to Paris, the city of love and light! As a tourist guide, I am excited to take you on a journey to discover one of the most iconic monuments in the city - La République. La République is a monumental statue created by Jean-François Soitoux in 1848. It is located on the quai Malaquais in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, France. This statue is the first representation of the Republic commissioned by the French government. The statue is situated at the eastern end of the quai Malaquais, on a platform at the intersection of rue de Seine and next to the Institut de France. The statue is made of stone and represents an allegory of the Republic. It depicts a woman wearing a toga with a triumphant crown of oak branches and a star on her head. In her right hand, she holds a sword, while her left hand rests on a bundle of licteurs. At her feet, there is a beehive symbolizing work. The statue stands on a stone pedestal engraved with an inscription that mentions its title, author, and a summary of the circumstances of its creation and installation. Jean-François Soitoux, the sculptor, won a competition launched on March 18, 1848, by the new government of the Second Republic, less than a month after its proclamation. This statue was the first representation of the Republic officially commissioned by a French government. After his plaster model was accepted, Soitoux presented the final statue at the Salon of 1850, where it received a medal. Visiting La République is a must-do activity for anyone interested in French history and culture. You can admire the impressive size and intricate details of the statue up close while learning about its historical significance. The location of the statue also offers a beautiful view of the Seine River and the surrounding architecture. In conclusion, La République is a significant monument in Paris that represents the values of the French Republic. It is an excellent destination for tourists who want to learn more about French history and culture. I hope you enjoyed this touristic guide and that you will add La République to your list of must-see attractions in Paris.

Location: 6th arrondissement of Paris

Inception: 1850

Creator: Jean-François Soitoux

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


La République Sculpture by Jean-François Soitoux

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« La République - sculpture by Jean-François Soitoux » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.