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Hôtel Lepas-Dubuisson, immeuble à Paris

Welcome to the Lepas-Dubuisson Hotel, a stunning complex located at 151 bis rue Saint-Jacques in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. This complex consists of a building on the street and a private mansion situated between the courtyard and garden. The property was built on land that was once part of the old Saint-Jacques gate, which was removed in 1684. In 1717, the City of Paris sold the land to architect Claude-Nicolas Lepas-Dubuisson. However, due to his bankruptcy, the building was seized in 1727 and completed by Nicolas Le Camus, a former major of the city guards and father of the architect Nicolas Le Camus de Mézières and Antoine Le Camus, dean of the faculty of medicine. The complex includes a house on the street for rent and a hotel between the courtyard and garden, which extends to the back of the 5th arrondissement town hall. The building on the street is adorned with mascarons on both the street and courtyard sides. The central window on the first floor features a youthful Apollo. The coach passage leading to the small paved courtyard is topped by a balcony supported by sculpted consoles and decorated with a grille bearing the numbers of Nicolas Le Camus and his wife Geneviève Carbonnet. The facades of the hotel between the courtyard and garden are also decorated with mascarons. Inside, you will find an Regency-style staircase with wrought iron railings and original woodwork. A balcony supported by four consoles decorated with mascarons and foliage adorns the garden facade. If you're interested in architecture and history, this complex is definitely worth a visit. You can admire the beautiful mascarons and other decorative elements on the exterior of the buildings, as well as the original woodwork and ironwork inside. The location is also convenient, as it is situated in the heart of the 5th arrondissement, close to many other tourist attractions such as the Pantheon and the Luxembourg Gardens.

Location: 5th arrondissement of Paris

Architectural style: classical architecture

Source: Wikimedia


Hôtel Lepas-Dubuisson Immeuble à Paris

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