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Musée des moulages, museum located in the Saint-Louis hospital, Paris

Welcome to the Musée des Moulages, a unique museum located on Avenue Claude-Vellefaux in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Established in 1885, this museum houses an impressive collection of 4,807 wax molds. The museum was founded by Dr. Jean Louis Alibert and includes a museum, a classroom, and a laboratory for creating molds. The building itself was designed by architect Gustave-Léon Vera and was inaugurated on August 5th, 1889. It was built to support the development of dermatology, which was rapidly growing at the time. The first international congress of dermatology was held here, where the presentation of the first molds gave this method worldwide recognition. In 1867, Dr. Lailler requested that Mr. Jules Baretta create molds of body parts representing diseases treated at the hospital. This unique collection is a testament to the history of medicine and dermatology. The method of creating molds continued until 1958. The collection also includes donations from Péan, Parrot, and Alfred Fournier. The first collection was formed from drawings donated by Dr. Alphonse Devergie. Today, the Musée des Moulages is open to the public and welcomes over 2,000 visitors each year. In addition to the impressive collection of molds, the museum also houses the Henri-Feulard library, which contains a wealth of information on anatomy and dermatology. If you're interested in exploring the history of medicine and dermatology, the Musée des Moulages is a must-visit destination. Don't miss the opportunity to see this unique collection of wax molds and learn about the fascinating history behind them.

Location: 10th arrondissement of Paris

Inception: 1867


Source: Wikimedia


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