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Aile du Manège

Aile du Manège

Popularity :

Aile du Manège, wing of the Louvre Palace

Location: 1st arrondissement of Paris

Inception: 1852

Architects: Louis Visconti, Hector Lefuel

Source: Wikimedia


Aile du Manège Wing of the Louvre Palace

France 0 m
Aile du Manège
Aile du Manège Wing of the Louvre Palace
France 0 m
Denon Wing One of the three main parts of the Louvre Palace

France 3 m
Denon Wing
Denon Wing One of the three main parts of the Louvre Palace
France 3 m
Fontaine du Louvre Fountain in the Cour Lefuel, Louvre Palace

France 26 m
Fontaine du Louvre
Fontaine du Louvre Fountain in the Cour Lefuel, Louvre Palace
France 26 m
Grande Galerie orientale Wing of the Louvre Palace

France 28 m
Grande Galerie orientale
Grande Galerie orientale Wing of the Louvre Palace
France 28 m
Pavillon Denon Pavilion of the Louvre Palace

France 31 m
Pavillon Denon
Pavillon Denon Pavilion of the Louvre Palace
France 31 m
Porte Barbet-de-Jouy Gate of the Louvre Palace

France 32 m
Porte Barbet-de-Jouy
Porte Barbet-de-Jouy Gate of the Louvre Palace
France 32 m
Fontaine de la cour Lefuel Ancien abreuvoir transformé en fontaine dans la cour Lefuel, à l'intérieur du Louvre

France 39 m
Fontaine de la cour Lefuel
Fontaine de la cour Lefuel Ancien abreuvoir transformé en fontaine dans la cour Lefuel, à l'intérieur du Louvre
France 39 m
Cour Lefuel Courtyard of the Louvre Palace

France 41 m
Cour Lefuel
Cour Lefuel Courtyard of the Louvre Palace
France 41 m
Cour Visconti Courtyard of the Louvre Palace

France 41 m
Cour Visconti
Cour Visconti Courtyard of the Louvre Palace
France 41 m
Aile Mollien Wing of the Louvre Palace

France 51 m
Aile Mollien
Aile Mollien Wing of the Louvre Palace
France 51 m
« Aile du Manège - wing of the Louvre Palace » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.