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Porta Castello

Porta Castello

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Porta Castello, porta scomparsa delle mura leonine, Roma

Welcome to Rome, the Eternal City! As your tourist guide, I am excited to take you on a journey through history and culture. Today, we will be exploring Porta Castello, one of the gates that opened in the Leonine Walls of Rome. Porta Castello was located in the section of walls due to the expansion of the "Civitas Leonina" carried out around 1563 by Pope Pius IV. It is situated at the intersection of Via di Porta Castello, Via delle Fosse di Castello, and Via G. Vitelleschi. Although it is commonly referred to as "Porta Castello," the gate at the intersection of the same name and Borgo Sant'Angelo is actually a pair of arches opened in the wall of the "Passetto di Borgo" by Pius IV and the Municipality of Rome for the purpose of managing city traffic. According to historical records, Porta Castello was supposed to be identical to Porta Angelica, both in terms of appearance and the coat of arms of Pius IV, as well as inscriptions. Under the coat of arms, the inscription on both doors read "PIUS IIII. PONT. MAX. PORTAM NOVAM ET MOENIA A FUNDAMENTIS EREXIT," which translates to "Pius IV, Supreme Pontiff, erected new gates and walls from the foundations." On both architraves, the inscription read "QUI VULT SALVAM REMP. NOS SEQUATUR," which means "Whoever wants to save the Republic, follow us." This exhortation came from the two angels sculpted on either side of both doors. The Castello also had another inscription: "PIUS IIII PONT. MAX. LATAM ET RECTAM AD ANGELICAM DUXIT," which means "Pius IV, Supreme Pontiff, led a broad and straight path to Angelica." Porta Castello witnessed the triumphant entry into Rome of Cola di Rienzo, who was appointed senator on August 1, 1354, just two months before being stabbed by the same people who had acclaimed him as a liberator. As we explore Porta Castello, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history of Rome. You will see the walls that protected the city for centuries, the gates that allowed access to the city, and the inscriptions that tell the story of the city's past. I hope you enjoy this tour and gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and significance of Rome's historical landmarks.

Location: Rome

Source: Wikimedia


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