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Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto

Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto

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Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto, protected area in Italy (EUAP0351)

The Special Nature Reserve of the Canneti of Dormelletto, also known as the Canneti of Dormelletto, is a protected natural area located on the western side of Lake Maggiore in the municipality of Dormelletto, in Piedmont. This coastal area, which has been a part of the Natural Park of the Lagoni di Mercurago since 1993, was established by the region of Piedmont, in agreement with the municipality and the Management Entity of the Protected Areas of Ticino and Lake Maggiore, with the aim of preserving a rare wet habitat. The nature reserve is easily accessible. The main accesses can be reached by exiting the Gallarate-Gattico A8-A26 junction at the Castelletto sopra Ticino tollbooth, or by exiting the A26 at the Arona tollbooth. Once entering the municipal territory of Dormelletto, along the State Road 33 of the Sempione, the area can be reached by turning towards the lake and following the indications of the municipal roads (via Leonardo da Vinci, via Pisa and via Riviera). The area is located a short distance from the Dormelletto Paese station along the Arona-Novara railway. The reserve stretches for a length of 4 km and a surface of 157 hectares along the Piedmont shore of Lake Maggiore. Together with those of Fondotoce, the Canneti of Dormelletto represent one of the last examples of the novarese zone of transition between land and water with a predominant spontaneous vegetation, composed of canneti.

Location: Dormelletto

Inception: 1993

Source: Wikimedia


Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto Protected area in Italy (EUAP0351)

Italy 0 m
Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto
Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto Protected area in Italy (EUAP0351)
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Villa Tesio
Villa Tesio Villa in Italy
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Chiesa della Madonna della Motta
Chiesa della Madonna della Motta Edificio religioso a Dormelletto NO
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Oratorio di San Rocco Edificio religioso a Dormelletto NO

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Oratorio di San Rocco
Oratorio di San Rocco Edificio religioso a Dormelletto NO
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Town hall of Dormelletto Palazzo municipale di Dormelletto NO

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Town hall of Dormelletto
Town hall of Dormelletto Palazzo municipale di Dormelletto NO
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Salice bianco
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Madonna della Fontana Church Church in the italian municipality of Dormelletto

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Madonna della Fontana Church
Madonna della Fontana Church Church in the italian municipality of Dormelletto
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Santi Pietro e Paolo Building in Sesto Calende, Italy

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Santi Pietro e Paolo
Santi Pietro e Paolo Building in Sesto Calende, Italy
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Chiesa del Cuore Immacolato di Maria Edificio religioso ad Arona NO

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Chiesa del Cuore Immacolato di Maria
Chiesa del Cuore Immacolato di Maria Edificio religioso ad Arona NO
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Lagoni di Mercurago Natural Park Natural park in Italy

Italy 2 km
Lagoni di Mercurago Natural Park
Lagoni di Mercurago Natural Park Natural park in Italy
Italy 2 km
« Riserva naturale speciale dei Canneti di Dormelletto - protected area in Italy (EUAP0351) » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.