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Siargao Islands Protected Landscape and Seascape

Siargao Islands Protected Landscape and Seascape

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Siargao Islands Protected Landscape and Seascape

Inception: October 10, 1996

Source: Wikimedia


Cloud 9 Surf spot in Siargao

Philippines 14.7 km
Cloud 9
Cloud 9 Surf spot in Siargao
Philippines 14.7 km
Islander's Castle Castle in Philippines

Philippines 22.5 km
Islander's Castle
Islander's Castle Castle in Philippines
Philippines 22.5 km
Surigao Cathedral Catholic cathedral in the Philippines

Philippines 59 km
Surigao Cathedral
Surigao Cathedral Catholic cathedral in the Philippines
Philippines 59 km
Surigao City Hall Government building in Surigao City, Surigao del Norte in the Philippines

Philippines 59 km
Surigao City Hall
Surigao City Hall Government building in Surigao City, Surigao del Norte in the Philippines
Philippines 59 km
Site of the First Raising of the Philippine Flag in Mindanao historical marker NHCP historical marker for the first raising of the Philippine flag in Mindanao

Philippines 59 km
Site of the First Raising of the Philippine Flag in Mindanao historical marker
Site of the First Raising of the Philippine Flag in Mindanao historical marker NHCP historical marker for the first raising of the Philippine flag in Mindanao
Philippines 59 km
Satan Rock

Philippines 63.4 km
Satan Rock
Philippines 63.4 km
Tandag Cathedral Roman Catholic cathedral in Surigao del Sur, Philippines

Philippines 83.4 km
Tandag Cathedral
Tandag Cathedral Roman Catholic cathedral in Surigao del Sur, Philippines
Philippines 83.4 km
Homonhon historical marker NHCP historical marker for Homonhon

Philippines 101.9 km
Homonhon historical marker
Homonhon historical marker NHCP historical marker for Homonhon
Philippines 101.9 km
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