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Phenomena, Cinema in Spain

The Phenomena is a popular movie theater located in Barcelona, near the iconic Sagrada Família.

Originally opened in the late 20th century, Phenomena has become a landmark for film enthusiasts.

It showcases a variety of films from classic to contemporary, catering to diverse audiences.

Visitors can enjoy a unique cinematic experience with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment.

Phenomena is known for its nostalgic atmosphere, reminiscent of classic cinema halls.

Location: Barcelona

Location: Sagrada Família

Phone: +34932527743



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Phenomena Cinema in Spain

The Phenomena is a popular movie theater located in Barcelona, near the iconic Sagrada Família.

Spain 0 m
Phenomena Cinema in Spain
Spain 0 m
Indústria 123

Spain 112 m
Indústria 123
Spain 112 m
A Eduardo Dato

Spain 115 m
A Eduardo Dato
Spain 115 m
Casa Viladot

Spain 214 m
Casa Viladot
Spain 214 m
Gaudí Barcelona Theatre Theatre

Spain 244 m
Gaudí Barcelona Theatre
Spain 244 m
Casa Ginestà

Spain 253 m
Casa Ginestà
Spain 253 m
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