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Sagrada Família schools

Sagrada Família schools

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Sagrada Família schools, School in Barcelona

The Sagrada Família Schools were created by the renowned Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí.

Originally established in 1909 for the children of the workers building the Sagrada Família.

Gaudí applied his groundbreaking modernist design principles to the school buildings.

The structures are currently used as a venue for exhibitions and cultural events.

Known for their unusual undulating rooftop, indicative of Gaudí's innovative design style.

Location: Barcelona

Location: Sagrada Família

Inception: 1909

Architect: Antoni Gaudí

Architectural style: Catalan modernism

Source: Wikimedia


Sagrada Família schools School in Barcelona

The Sagrada Família Schools were created by the renowned Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí.

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Sagrada Família schools School in Barcelona
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