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Clos Lucé, Château in France.

Clos Lucé is a large château located in the center of Amboise, a town in the Indre-et-Loire département in the Loire Valley of France.

The Château du Clos Lucé was the official residence of Leonardo da Vinci between 1516 and 1519, when he died.

It is now a museum that reflects the prestigious history of the region and includes forty models of the various machines designed by Leonardo.

The Château is open to the public and provides guided tours throughout the year.

It's the only château in the world that houses the models of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions.

Location: Amboise

Inception: 1106

Architectural style: Flamboyant

Address: 2 rue du Clos-Lucé


Source: Wikimedia


Clos Lucé Château in France.

France 0 m
Clos Lucé
Clos Lucé Château in France.
France 0 m
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Chapelle d'Anne de Bretagne du Clos Lucé
Chapelle d'Anne de Bretagne du Clos Lucé Chapel located in Indre-et-Loire, in France
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Fanum des Châteliers Fanum à Amboise (Indre-et-Loire)
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Maison du Philosophe Hôtel particulier à Amboise (Indre-et-Loire)
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Oppidum des Châteliers
Oppidum des Châteliers Historic monument in France
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