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Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art

Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art

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Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art, Art museum in Italy

The Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art houses one of the most important collections of Asian art in Italy.

Founded in 1905, the museum is dedicated to the life and work of Edoardo Chiossone, an Italian engraver who lived in Japan.

Its artefacts include Japanese paintings, prints, and sculptures, as well as historical samurai armors.

Located in the Italian city of Genoa, it offers a tranquil garden where visitors can relax.

The museum's collection was bequeathed by Edoardo Chiossone himself and reflects his deep appreciation for Japanese culture.

Location: Genoa

Inception: 1905

Phone: +390105577950



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


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