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Castlerigg stone circle, Stone circle in England

The Castlerigg stone circle is one of the most visually impressive prehistoric monuments in Britain.

Constructed around 3200 BC, it is one of the earliest stone circles in Britain and Europe.

It's a place of spiritual significance for many people who visit it.

Located near Keswick in Cumbria, it's freely accessible to the public.

Unlike other circles, it has a rectangular enclosure within the ring.

Location: St John's Castlerigg and Wythburn


Source: Wikimedia


Castlerigg stone circle Stone circle in England

The Castlerigg stone circle is one of the most visually impressive prehistoric monuments in Britain.

United Kingdom 0 m
Castlerigg stone circle
Castlerigg stone circle Stone circle in England
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Keswick War Memorial
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