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María Reiche Museum

María Reiche Museum

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María Reiche Museum, Museum in Peru

The Maria Reiche Museum dedicates itself to the life and work of the renowned German mathematician and archaeologist.

Maria Reiche dedicated her life to studying and preserving the Nazca Lines since 1940.

The museum showcases Maria Reiche's research and displays items related to the Nazca Lines.

It is located near Nazca city, making it easily accessible for tourists exploring the famous geoglyphs.

The museum holds original tools used by Reiche during her studies of the Nazca Lines.

Location: El Ingenio

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


María Reiche Museum Museum in Peru

The Maria Reiche Museum dedicates itself to the life and work of the renowned German mathematician and archaeologist.

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María Reiche Museum Museum in Peru
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