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Château de Valon, medieval castle in France

Château de Valon provides a stunning view over the Goul Valley in Aveyron.

Originally built in the 12th century, it served as a significant medieval stronghold.

The castle is a quintessential representation of medieval military architecture in France.

Open year-round, the castle offers guided tours to its visitors.

Its strategic positioning on a rocky spur sets it apart.

Location: Lacroix-Barrez

Source: Wikimedia


Château de Valon Medieval castle in France

France 0 m
Château de Valon
Château de Valon Medieval castle in France
France 0 m
Chapel of the Valon Castle Chapel located in Aveyron, in France

France 322 m
Chapel of the Valon Castle
Chapel of the Valon Castle Chapel located in Aveyron, in France
France 322 m
Église Notre-Dame de Rouens Church located in Aveyron, in France

France 1.3 km
Église Notre-Dame de Rouens
Église Notre-Dame de Rouens Church located in Aveyron, in France
France 1.3 km
Scenic viewpoint

France 2.7 km
Scenic viewpoint
France 2.7 km
Scenic viewpoint

France 2.8 km
Scenic viewpoint
France 2.8 km
Église Saint-Roch de Montézic Church located in Aveyron, in France

France 3.2 km
Église Saint-Roch de Montézic
Église Saint-Roch de Montézic Church located in Aveyron, in France
France 3.2 km
« Château de Valon - medieval castle in France » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.