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Mundaneum, Archive center in Belgium

The Mundaneum is an institution dedicated to documentation, located in Mons, Belgium.

Founded in 1910 by Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine, the Mundaneum aimed to gather all the world's knowledge.

It is often considered as a precursor to the internet, embodying the idea of global access to knowledge.

Today, it serves as a museum and exhibition center, showcasing the history of information management.

The Mundaneum holds more than 12 million index cards, attempting to classify all human knowledge.

Location: Mons

Inception: 1920

Founders: Paul Otlet, Henri La Fontaine

Official opening: 1898

Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday 13:00-17:00; Saturday-Sunday 13:00-18:00


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Mundaneum Archive center in Belgium

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