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Collège Saint-Michel, School building in Fribourg

Collège Saint-Michel is a renowned educational institution.

Founded in 1582, it has a long-standing history.

Originally dedicated to the Jesuit religious community.

Designated as a Class A Swiss cultural property of national significance.

It combines academic education with spiritual formation.

Location: Fribourg

Inception: 1582

Address: Rue Saint-Pierre-Canisius 6–10, 20, 1700 Fribourg 1700


Source: Wikimedia


Collège Saint-Michel School building in Fribourg

Switzerland 0 m
Collège Saint-Michel
Collège Saint-Michel School building in Fribourg
Switzerland 0 m
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Cantonal and University Library of Fribourg (collection) Library in the city of Fribourg, Switzerland

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Museum of Art and History (collection)
Museum of Art and History (collection) Museum in Fribourg (Switzerland) (collection)
Switzerland 163 m
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