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Dongyang Houtu Temple, Houtu temple in Linfen, Shanxi, China

Welcome to the East Yanghou Earth Temple, located in the Tumen Town of Yaodu District, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, China. This temple was listed as the sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units in 2006. The East Yanghou Earth Temple covers an area of 4,220 square meters, with a length of 104 meters from north to south and a width of 41 meters from east to west. The existing buildings include the mountain gate, stage, ritual gate, bell tower, east and west side halls, Holy Mother Hall, and ear room. Among them, the stage is a building from the Yuan Dynasty, the Holy Mother Hall is a building from the Ming Dynasty, and the rest are buildings from the Qing Dynasty. The Holy Mother Hall faces north and sits south, with a width of three rooms and a depth of two rooms. It was rebuilt in the second year of the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty (1622) and has a hanging mountain top. The stage faces south and sits north, with three sides enclosed and a square plan. It has a single eave and a cross-shaped hipped roof, with a platform height of 1.75 meters and a width of 7.75 meters. To get to the East Yanghou Earth Temple, you can take a bus or taxi from Linfen City to Yaodu District, then transfer to Tumen Town. The temple is open to visitors all year round, and the best time to visit is during the spring and autumn seasons when the weather is mild and pleasant. Upon arrival, visitors will be greeted by the magnificent mountain gate, which is the entrance to the temple. Inside, you can admire the ancient architecture of the stage, ritual gate, bell tower, and other buildings. The Holy Mother Hall is a must-see attraction, with its exquisite carvings and decorations that showcase the artistry of the Ming Dynasty. Visitors can also explore the surrounding area, which is rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. The nearby Yangquan Mountain Scenic Area offers stunning views of the mountains and valleys, while the Yaodu Ancient City is a historical site that dates back to the Han Dynasty. In conclusion, the East Yanghou Earth Temple is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. With its ancient architecture, beautiful surroundings, and rich cultural heritage, it is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors from all over the world.

Location: Linfen

Source: Wikimedia


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