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University of Cologne, University in Cologne, Germany

The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany.

Founded in 1388, it was closed in 1798 before being reestablished in 1919.

It has a strong focus on humanities and social sciences and is part of the German U15, a group of major research universities.

It offers a wide range of subjects with more than 250 courses available.

The university's library is one of the richest and most venerable collections in Germany.

Location: Cologne

Location: North Rhine-Westphalia

Inception: 1388

Elevation above the sea: 52 m


Source: Wikimedia


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Medizinisch-Theoretische Institute, Uniklinik Köln Institutsgebäude der Universität Köln
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Veedelstreff am Rathenauplatz Bürgerpavillon der Bürgergemeinschaft Rathenauplatz, genutzt für einen Biergarten
Germany 692 m
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