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Swabia, Region in Bavaria, Germany

Swabia is one of the seven administrative regions of Bavaria, Germany.

The history of Swabia dates back to the early Middle Ages when it was a stem duchy of the Eastern Frankish Kingdom.

Swabia is known for its distinct dialect, 'Schwäbisch', and traditional folklore that includes music and dance.

Swabia's capital Augsburg provides several attractions including the Augsburger Puppenkiste and the Fuggerei social housing complex.

Swabia has over 2,000 breweries, making it the region with the highest brewery-density worldwide.

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Swabia Region in Bavaria, Germany

Germany 0 m
Swabia Region in Bavaria, Germany
Germany 0 m
Neuschwanstein Castle Castle in Bavaria, Germany

Germany 69.5 km
Neuschwanstein Castle
Neuschwanstein Castle Castle in Bavaria, Germany
Germany 69.5 km
Ulm Minster Cultural Heritage Monument in Germany

Germany 44.8 km
Ulm Minster
Ulm Minster Cultural Heritage Monument in Germany
Germany 44.8 km
Kleinwalsertal Alpine valley in Austria

Austria 94.7 km
Kleinwalsertal Alpine valley in Austria
Austria 94.7 km
Blautopf Spring in Blaubeuren, Germany

Germany 58.7 km
Blautopf Spring in Blaubeuren, Germany
Germany 58.7 km
Fuggerei Cultural heritage ensemble in Germany

Germany 40.1 km
Fuggerei Cultural heritage ensemble in Germany
Germany 40.1 km
Linderhof Palace Palace in Bavaria, Germany

Germany 74.3 km
Linderhof Palace
Linderhof Palace Palace in Bavaria, Germany
Germany 74.3 km
Schloss Elmau Luxury hotel in Bavaria, Germany.

Germany 93.7 km
Schloss Elmau
Schloss Elmau Luxury hotel in Bavaria, Germany.
Germany 93.7 km
Landsberg Prison Architectural heritage monument in Bavaria

Germany 31.4 km
Landsberg Prison
Landsberg Prison Architectural heritage monument in Bavaria
Germany 31.4 km
Hohenschwangau Castle Castle in Germany

Germany 69.4 km
Hohenschwangau Castle
Hohenschwangau Castle Castle in Germany
Germany 69.4 km
Wieskirche Pilgrimage church in Bavaria, Germany

Germany 61.3 km
Wieskirche Pilgrimage church in Bavaria, Germany
Germany 61.3 km
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