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NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum

NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum

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NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum, Broadcasting house in Germany

The NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum is a broadcasting house located in Hamburg, Germany.

This broadcasting house is home to Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), founded in the post-war period.

It serves as a significant institution for media and communication in northern Germany.

Tours are available, offering insights into the world of radio production.

Architecturally notable for reflecting the design aesthetics of the 1950s.

Location: Hamburg

Source: Wikimedia


NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum Broadcasting house in Germany

Germany 0 m
NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum
NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum Broadcasting house in Germany
Germany 0 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Ernst Bendix Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 62 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Ernst Bendix
Stolperstein dedicated to Ernst Bendix Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 62 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Bruno Nehmert Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 71 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Bruno Nehmert
Stolperstein dedicated to Bruno Nehmert Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 71 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Georg Seckel Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 99 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Georg Seckel
Stolperstein dedicated to Georg Seckel Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 99 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Rosa Seckel Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 99 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Rosa Seckel
Stolperstein dedicated to Rosa Seckel Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 99 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Kurt Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Kurt Hochfeld
Stolperstein dedicated to Kurt Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Martha Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Martha Hochfeld
Stolperstein dedicated to Martha Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Gerhard Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Gerhard Hochfeld
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Gerhard Hochfeld Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 104 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Susanne Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Susanne Zirker
Stolperstein dedicated to Susanne Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Eva Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Eva Zirker
Stolperstein dedicated to Eva Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Lilly Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Lilly Zirker
Stolperstein dedicated to Lilly Zirker Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 115 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Walter Erich Cohen Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 138 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Walter Erich Cohen
Stolperstein dedicated to Walter Erich Cohen Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 138 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Erika Simon Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 149 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Erika Simon
Stolperstein dedicated to Erika Simon Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 149 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Simon Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 149 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Simon
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Simon Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 149 m
Former Synagogue Oberstraße Hamburg Reformsynagoge des 1817 gegründeten liberalen Neuen Israelitischen Tempel-Vereins in Hamburg

Germany 153 m
Former Synagogue Oberstraße Hamburg
Former Synagogue Oberstraße Hamburg Reformsynagoge des 1817 gegründeten liberalen Neuen Israelitischen Tempel-Vereins in Hamburg
Germany 153 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Wilhelm Blitz Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 153 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Wilhelm Blitz
Stolperstein dedicated to Wilhelm Blitz Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 153 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Helene C. Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Helene C. Philipp
Stolperstein dedicated to Helene C. Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Philipp
Stolperstein dedicated to Julius Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Cäsar Wolf Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Cäsar Wolf
Stolperstein dedicated to Cäsar Wolf Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Elisabeth Wolf Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Elisabeth Wolf
Stolperstein dedicated to Elisabeth Wolf Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Richard J. Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Richard J. Philipp
Stolperstein dedicated to Richard J. Philipp Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 160 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Johanna Maass Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 176 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Johanna Maass
Stolperstein dedicated to Johanna Maass Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 176 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Felix Eisner Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 178 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Felix Eisner
Stolperstein dedicated to Felix Eisner Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 178 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Lucia Eisner Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 178 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Lucia Eisner
Stolperstein dedicated to Lucia Eisner Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 178 m
Stolperstein für Helene Grossmann Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 183 m
Stolperstein für Helene Grossmann
Stolperstein für Helene Grossmann Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 183 m
Stolperstein für Rosa Hühn Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 183 m
Stolperstein für Rosa Hühn
Stolperstein für Rosa Hühn Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 183 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Bertha Emilie Karlsberg Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 220 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Bertha Emilie Karlsberg
Stolperstein dedicated to Bertha Emilie Karlsberg Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 220 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Moses Karlsberg Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 220 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Moses Karlsberg
Stolperstein dedicated to Moses Karlsberg Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 220 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Mathilde Rothschild Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 221 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Mathilde Rothschild
Stolperstein dedicated to Mathilde Rothschild Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 221 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Jacob Ruben Rothschild Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude

Germany 221 m
Stolperstein dedicated to Jacob Ruben Rothschild
Stolperstein dedicated to Jacob Ruben Rothschild Stolperstein in Hamburg-Harvestehude
Germany 221 m
« NDR-Hörfunkstudios Hamburg-Rothenbaum - Broadcasting house in Germany » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.