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Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice, Orthodox cathedral in Nice, France

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice is the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Western Europe.

It was opened in 1912, thanks to the generosity of Russia's Tsar Nicholas II.

The cathedral is a symbol of Russia's presence and influence in Nice.

It's open to visitors every day except during religious services.

Its distinctive onion domes are visible from many parts of Nice.

Location: Nice

Inception: 1903

Architectural style: Russian Revival architecture

Material: brick

Address: avenue Nicolas-II


Source: Wikimedia


Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice Orthodox cathedral in Nice, France

France 0 m
Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice
Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Nice Orthodox cathedral in Nice, France
France 0 m
Scenic viewpoint

France 540 m
Scenic viewpoint
France 540 m
Église Saint-Etienne de Nice Church located in Alpes-Maritimes, in France

France 561 m
Église Saint-Etienne de Nice
Église Saint-Etienne de Nice Church located in Alpes-Maritimes, in France
France 561 m
Chapelle Saint-Philippe-de-Neri de Nice Chapel located in Alpes-Maritimes, in France

France 581 m
Chapelle Saint-Philippe-de-Neri de Nice
Chapelle Saint-Philippe-de-Neri de Nice Chapel located in Alpes-Maritimes, in France
France 581 m
Scenic viewpoint

France 655 m
Scenic viewpoint
France 655 m
Palais Meyerbeer Immeuble à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes)

France 800 m
Palais Meyerbeer
Palais Meyerbeer Immeuble à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes)
France 800 m
Villa La Belle Époque Historic mansion in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France

France 829 m
Villa La Belle Époque
Villa La Belle Époque Historic mansion in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France
France 829 m
Gare du Sud Historic railway station in Nice

France 912 m
Gare du Sud
Gare du Sud Historic railway station in Nice
France 912 m
Église Saint-Pierre d'Arène Church building in France

France 936 m
Église Saint-Pierre d'Arène
Église Saint-Pierre d'Arène Church building in France
France 936 m
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