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Hôtel de Montmorin, private mansion on Place des Vosges, Paris

Welcome to Paris, the city of love and lights! Today, we will be exploring the Hôtel de Montmorin, a beautiful mansion located on the Place des Vosges in the Marais district of the 4th arrondissement. The Hôtel de Montmorin was built on land given by King Henri IV to Simon Le Gras de Vaubercey, who was the secretary of commands for Anne d'Autriche and Nicolas Le Gras, his son. Nicolas Le Gras, also a secretary of commands for Queen Anne d'Autriche, left the mansion to his daughter, Anne Le Gras de Vaubercey, who married François Gaspard de Montmorin, marquis de Saint Hérem, seigneur de Montmorin, Volore, Châteauneuf, Saint Germain, councilor of the King in his councils, captain of one hundred men-at-arms of his ordinances, grand louvetier of France, governor and captain of the hunts of Fontainebleau, who died in 1701. Later on, the mansion was acquired by Nicolas Huguet de Sémonville, a counselor at the Parliament of Paris, who passed it down to his daughter Catherine Huguet de Semonville. She married Charles Jean, comte d'Estrades, and then Nicolas Maximilien Séguier, comte de Saint Brisson. In 1776, she sold the mansion to Marie Anne Loyat, widow of Jean Baptiste Claude de Bragelongne, counselor at the Parliament of Paris. The Hôtel de Montmorin is a stunning example of French architecture, with its beautiful façade and intricate ironwork. The staircase and its wrought-iron railing have been listed as historical monuments since an order on October 22, 1953, while the facades, roof, and vaulted gallery have been classified since an order on March 2, 1957. As you walk through the mansion, you will be transported back in time to the 17th century, with its grandeur and opulence. The Hôtel de Montmorin is a must-see for anyone interested in French history and architecture. Thank you for choosing our tour guide service, and we hope you enjoy your visit to the Hôtel de Montmorin!

Location: 4th arrondissement of Paris

Source: Wikimedia


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