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Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles

Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles

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Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles, lectern with two desks surmounted by the Saint John eagle in gilded wood

Location: Arles

Inception: 18 Century

Material: wood

Source: Wikimedia


Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles Lectern with two desks surmounted by the Saint John eagle in gilded wood

France 0 m
Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles
Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles Lectern with two desks surmounted by the Saint John eagle in gilded wood
France 0 m
Fence of the chapel of relics in Arles Wrought iron fence, protection of the numerous reliquaries stored in this chapel of the former St Trophimus cathedral, in Arles, France

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Fence of the chapel of relics in Arles
Fence of the chapel of relics in Arles Wrought iron fence, protection of the numerous reliquaries stored in this chapel of the former St Trophimus cathedral, in Arles, France
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Fence of the Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Arles
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Church chandeliers in Arles Three pairs of church chandeliers hanging from the vault of the choir of Saint-Trophime cathedral

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Church chandeliers in Arles
Church chandeliers in Arles Three pairs of church chandeliers hanging from the vault of the choir of Saint-Trophime cathedral
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Choir fence of the St Trophimus cathedral Wrought iron railings with the same motifs as the communion table, which separate the choir from the ambulatory (side grills and back fence).

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Choir fence of the St Trophimus cathedral
Choir fence of the St Trophimus cathedral Wrought iron railings with the same motifs as the communion table, which separate the choir from the ambulatory (side grills and back fence).
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Wainscotting and stalls (Arles Saint-Trophime)
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Madona with Child (Leonardo Mirano) Displaced statue from the Minimes or St Honoratus of the Alyscamps (in 1799)

France 6 m
Madona with Child (Leonardo Mirano)
Madona with Child (Leonardo Mirano) Displaced statue from the Minimes or St Honoratus of the Alyscamps (in 1799)
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Cathedra (Arles Saint-Trophime) Episcopal seat with a canopy and two seats of the archbishop's acolytes located in the former cathedral St Trophime in Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)

France 6 m
Cathedra (Arles Saint-Trophime)
Cathedra (Arles Saint-Trophime) Episcopal seat with a canopy and two seats of the archbishop's acolytes located in the former cathedral St Trophime in Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)
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Trono episcopal de la catedral de Arles Sillón del arzobispo Du Lau, trono episcopal del arzobispo en la antigua catedral de Saint-Trófimo en Arles

France 6 m
Trono episcopal de la catedral de Arles
Trono episcopal de la catedral de Arles Sillón del arzobispo Du Lau, trono episcopal del arzobispo en la antigua catedral de Saint-Trófimo en Arles
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Baptism of Clovis
Baptism of Clovis Painting of Baptism of Clovis by Saint Remi on a Christmas Day (499 ?)
France 7 m
« Lectern of the Saint-Trophime church in Arles - lectern with two desks surmounted by the Saint John eagle in gilded wood » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.