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Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille

Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille

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Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille, émetteur situé dans l'Hérault, en France

Welcome to the Mont Saint-Baudille transmitter, located in the Hérault department of France. This installation is situated 15 km north of the town of Montpeyroux and 25 km east of Lodève, as well as northeast of Clermont-l'Hérault. The transmitter allows for the broadcasting of digital television, FM radio, mobile phone signals, and other transmissions across a large part of the department. The site consists of a 76-meter high tower and a building housing the transmitters. It is operated by Télédiffusion de France, one of the major operators in France. Until November 29th, 2011, the Languedoc-Roussillon region was covered by analog television. However, the Canal+ transmitter ceased operations on October 13th, 2010. Visitors to the Mont Saint-Baudille transmitter can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding area from the top of the tower. The transmitter is also an interesting destination for those interested in the technology behind broadcasting and telecommunications. To reach the transmitter, visitors can take the D122 road from Montpeyroux towards Saint-Jean-de-la-Blaquière. After about 5 km, turn left onto the D9 road towards Saint-André-de-Sangonis. The transmitter will be visible from the road. Please note that access to the transmitter site is restricted and requires prior authorization from Télédiffusion de France. Visitors should also be aware that the tower is not open to the public and climbing it is strictly prohibited. In conclusion, the Mont Saint-Baudille transmitter is an important installation for broadcasting and telecommunications in the Hérault department. While access to the site is restricted, visitors can still enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding area from the road leading up to the transmitter.

Location: Montpeyroux

Source: Wikimedia


Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille Émetteur situé dans l'Hérault, en France

France 0 m
Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille
Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille Émetteur situé dans l'Hérault, en France
France 0 m
Mont Saint-Baudille Mountain in France

France 53 m
Mont Saint-Baudille
Mont Saint-Baudille Mountain in France
France 53 m
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France 2 km
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France 2.8 km
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France 3 km
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France 3 km
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France 3.2 km
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France 3.2 km
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France 3.3 km
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France 3.3 km
Scenic viewpoint

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Mégalithes de la Croix de l'Yeuse Megalith in Hérault, France

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Mégalithes de la Croix de l'Yeuse
Mégalithes de la Croix de l'Yeuse Megalith in Hérault, France
France 3.5 km
Scenic viewpoint

France 3.5 km
Scenic viewpoint
France 3.5 km
« Émetteur du mont Saint-Baudille - émetteur situé dans l'Hérault, en France » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.