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Grumentum, ancient city in Italy

Grumentum is located in the Southern Italian region of Basilicata.

Established by the Romans in the 3rd century BC, Grumentum thrived as a prosperous city.

The ruins at Grumentum reflect the significance of Roman theaters and temples.

Grumentum's archaeological park is open to the public for exploration.

Grumentum hosts an exceptionally well-preserved Roman amphitheater.

Location: Grumento Nova

Address: Contrada Contrada Città 1, 85050 85047

Opening Hours: Monday 14:00-(sunset-1:00); Tuesday-Sunday 09:00-(sunset-1:00)

Phone: +39097565074



Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Grumentum Ancient city in Italy

Italy 0 m
Grumentum Ancient city in Italy
Italy 0 m
Grumentum amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre in Grumento Nova, Italy

Italy 608 m
Grumentum amphitheatre
Grumentum amphitheatre Roman amphitheatre in Grumento Nova, Italy
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Museo Nazionale dell'Alta Val D'Agri Museum in Grumento Nova, Italy

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Museo Nazionale dell'Alta Val D'Agri
Museo Nazionale dell'Alta Val D'Agri Museum in Grumento Nova, Italy
Italy 496 m
Madonna del Grumentino Church building in Grumento Nova, Italy

Italy 1.6 km
Madonna del Grumentino
Madonna del Grumentino Church building in Grumento Nova, Italy
Italy 1.6 km
Santa Caterina church Church building in Grumento Nova, Italy

Italy 1.3 km
Santa Caterina church
Santa Caterina church Church building in Grumento Nova, Italy
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Church of Madonna del Vetere Church building in Moliterno, Italy

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Church of Madonna del Vetere
Church of Madonna del Vetere Church building in Moliterno, Italy
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Sanfelice villa Villa in Viggiano, Italy

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Sanfelice villa
Sanfelice villa Villa in Viggiano, Italy
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Sant'Antonio church Religious building in Viggiano, Italy

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Sant'Antonio church
Sant'Antonio church Religious building in Viggiano, Italy
Italy 6 km
Medieval castle Castle in Moliterno, Italy

Italy 5.6 km
Medieval castle
Medieval castle Castle in Moliterno, Italy
Italy 5.6 km
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