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San Michele a Castello (Florence)

San Michele a Castello (Florence)

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San Michele a Castello (Florence), church building in Florence, Italy

Welcome to Florence, a city known for its rich history and beautiful landmarks. Today, we will be exploring the Church of San Michele a Castello, a Catholic place of worship located in the street of the same name, in the Castello area. This hill, located north of the city, is famous for the stunning villas built by the Medici family and other Florentine families. The name "castellum" indicates that there was a cistern of the Roman aqueduct in the area. The church is believed to have been founded during the Lombard period and has been mentioned since the 11th century. Due to the presence of the Medici villas of Castello and Petraia, the church was favored by the grand ducal family. It was consecrated in 1617 and declared a priory in 1728. The Lorraine grand dukes also took care of it, renovating it in 1783 and 1817. As we enter the church, we can admire the beautiful wooden crucifix from the seventeenth century at the back of the main chapel. There is also a fourteenth-century painting depicting the Madonna on her throne with Saints Lorenzo and Stefano, attributed to the workshop of the Master of Santa Cecilia and Pacino di Bonaguida. On the choir loft, we can see an organ made by Agati and Paoli. Although some works originally exhibited in this church have been lost or relocated, they are still worth mentioning. For example, the Adoration of the Child by the Master of the Nativity of Castello, which should be displayed at the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence. Visiting the Church of San Michele a Castello is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the history and culture of Florence. Don't forget to take a moment to appreciate the stunning views of the city from the Castello area.

Location: Florence

Inception: 1617

Architectural style: Renaissance architecture

Source: Wikimedia


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