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Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff

Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff

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Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff, Prison in Luxembourg

The Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff is a correctional facility located in Luxembourg.

This facility serves to replace older prisons and to accommodate the increasing number of inmates.

Prisons like the Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff reflect a society's approach to crime and rehabilitation.

It provides various detention regimes, aiming at the reintegration of prisoners into society.

Designed with a focus on sustainability, it stands out as an example of modern penitentiary architecture.

Source: Wikimedia


Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff Prison in Luxembourg

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Centre pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff
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