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Harappa, Archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan

Harappa is an archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan, about 24 km west of Sahiwal.

The city lies on the former course of the Ravi River which is one of the five rivers of Punjab.

Harappa was a fortified city in modern-day Pakistan that was part of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The Harappan civilization was highly developed and had its own writing system.

Harappa was first occupied between 2600–1900 BCE.

Location: Sahiwal District


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Harappa Archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan

Pakistan 0 m
Harappa Archaeological site in Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan 0 m
Archaeological Museum, Harappa Museum in Punjab, Pakistan

Pakistan 201 m
Archaeological Museum, Harappa
Archaeological Museum, Harappa Museum in Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan 201 m
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Burāla Branch H
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Paththo Three L Minor
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