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Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra

Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra

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Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra, Baroque basilica in Mafra, Portugal

The Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra is an opulent Baroque monument.

Construction began in 1717 under King John V due to a vow he made if his wife bore him children.

The site encompasses a palace, monastery, and a library with rare books collection.

Guided tours are available, offering insight into the basilica's history and architecture.

The basilica houses two carillons, composed of 92 bells, making it one of the largest collections in the world.

Location: Mafra

Inception: 1717

Founder: John V of Portugal

Architect: João Frederico Ludovice

Architectural style: baroque architecture

Source: Wikimedia


Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra Baroque basilica in Mafra, Portugal

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Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra
Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra Baroque basilica in Mafra, Portugal
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« Basilica of Our Lady and Saint Anthony of Mafra - Baroque basilica in Mafra, Portugal » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.