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Věžové domy

Věžové domy

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Věžové domy, building in Bratislava, Slovakia

Welcome to Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. As a tourist guide, I would like to introduce you to one of the most unique and interesting architectural complexes in the city - Vežové domy or Palušáky. Vežové domy, also known as Palušáky, is a residential complex located in Ružinov, a district in Bratislava. The complex was designed by Karol Paluš in 1957 and was awarded the Dušan Jurkovič Prize in 1965. The name "Vežové domy" translates to "tower houses" in English, and it is easy to see why. The complex consists of several tall tower-like buildings that are interconnected by walkways and green spaces. The idea for Vežové domy came about when the city needed to build two houses on the edge of a floodplain near Miletičova Street. Instead of building just two houses, Karol Paluš proposed a more comprehensive solution that included an urban street and an intimate zone for recreation with minimal noise. The result was a unique residential complex that has become a landmark in Bratislava. The architecture of Vežové domy is striking and distinctive. The towers are made of brick and were built using a progressive method that involved both vertical and horizontal construction. The design was inspired by similar housing structures in Stockholm-Välingby, Sweden, which featured dominant "boďáks" (towers). However, Vežové domy were built a year later due to construction companies rejecting the proposed technology. The complex is not only visually impressive but also functional. It offers a variety of apartment sizes and layouts, from small studios to spacious family apartments. The green spaces between the towers provide residents with a peaceful and relaxing environment, while the location in Ružinov offers easy access to the city center and other amenities. If you are interested in architecture or simply want to see a unique and fascinating residential complex, Vežové domy is definitely worth a visit. You can take a stroll through the green spaces, admire the towers from afar, or even rent an apartment and experience the complex firsthand. Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind attraction in Bratislava!

Location: Bratislava

Source: Wikimedia


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