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Brusilia, Residential tower in Belgium

The Brusilia is a prominent high-rise building located in the Schaerbeek municipality of Brussels.

Designed by the architect Jacques Cuisinier, Brusilia was completed in 1970.

The building reflects the architectural trends of its time and stands as a testament to the modernist movement.

Brusilia offers residents impressive views of the city skyline and nearby Josaphat Park.

Standing at 100 meters, Brusilia was one of the tallest residential buildings in Belgium upon completion.

Location: Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek

Inception: 1970

Architect: Jacques Cuisinier

Architectural style: modern architecture

Floors above the ground: 35

Floors below the ground: 2

Elevators: 6

Height: 100 m

Source: Wikimedia


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