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Maria Gloriosa

Maria Gloriosa

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Maria Gloriosa, Bell in Erfurt Cathedral

Maria Gloriosa, also known as the Gloriosa, is a medieval bell housed in the Erfurt Cathedral in Germany.

Cast by Geert van Wou in 1497, it is one of the largest free-swinging medieval bells in the world.

The bell's deep tone, known as the 'mighty voice', has become an integral part of Erfurt's cultural identity.

Visitors can hear the bell ring before the main Sunday service at the cathedral.

The bell weighs an impressive 11.45 tons and its clapper alone weighs 2.5 tons.

Location: Erfurt

Creator: Geert van Wou

Source: Wikimedia


Maria Gloriosa Bell in Erfurt Cathedral

Maria Gloriosa, also known as the Gloriosa, is a medieval bell housed in the Erfurt Cathedral in Germany.

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Maria Gloriosa
Maria Gloriosa Bell in Erfurt Cathedral
Germany 0 m
Erfurt Cathedral Cathedral in Erfurt, Germany

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Erfurt Cathedral Cathedral in Erfurt, Germany
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« Maria Gloriosa - Bell in Erfurt Cathedral » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.