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Saam-bong, Berggipfel in Nordkorea

Source: Wikimedia


Saam-bong Berggipfel in Nordkorea

North Korea 0 m
Saam-bong Berggipfel in Nordkorea
North Korea 0 m
Hugosan-bong Berggipfel in Nordkorea

North Korea 7.2 km
Hugosan-bong Berggipfel in Nordkorea
North Korea 7.2 km
Ji'an Yalu River Border Railway Bridge Railway bridge in Ji'an

The Ji'an Yalu River Border Railway Bridge connects the Chinese city of Ji'an with Manpo in North Korea.

China 8 km
Ji'an Yalu River Border Railway Bridge
Ji'an Yalu River Border Railway Bridge Railway bridge in Ji'an
China 8 km
Gwanggaeto Stele Stele in South Korea

The Gwanggaeto Stele is a monument erected in 414 by King Jangsu in honor of his deceased father, King Gwanggaeto the Great.

China 12.8 km
Gwanggaeto Stele
Gwanggaeto Stele Stele in South Korea
China 12.8 km
Anciennes tombes de la rivière Donggou Archaeological site in People's Republic of China

China 13.2 km
Anciennes tombes de la rivière Donggou
Anciennes tombes de la rivière Donggou Archaeological site in People's Republic of China
China 13.2 km
Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom Burial site in China

The site encompasses ancient capitals and tombs from the Koguryo Kingdom.

China 14.4 km
Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom
China 14.4 km
Hwando Mountain fortress in China

Hwando, also known as Wandu, is an ancient Korean fortress situated in the Jilin province of China.

China 16.4 km
Hwando Mountain fortress in China
China 16.4 km
Wunü Peaks National Forest Park Protected area in Jilin, China

China 21.3 km
Wunü Peaks National Forest Park
Wunü Peaks National Forest Park Protected area in Jilin, China
China 21.3 km
Unbong Dam Gravity dam in China/North Korea

Unbong Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam situated on the Yalu River.

North Korea 24.7 km
Unbong Dam
Unbong Dam Gravity dam in China/North Korea
North Korea 24.7 km
« Saam-bong - Berggipfel in Nordkorea » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.