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Martinitoren, Inclined church tower in Netherlands

The Martinitoren is an inclined church tower located in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Constructed in 1482, it is a Rijksmonument or national heritage site in the Netherlands.

This tower is an integral part of Dutch history and is cherished as a symbol of Groningen.

Visitors can climb to its top for an impressive view of the city.

It is known for its distinct lean towards the north-east.

Location: Groningen

Inception: 1482

Architectural style: Gothic architecture

Height: 97 m

Address: Martinikerkhof 1, Groningen 9712JG

Source: Wikimedia


Martinitoren Inclined church tower in Netherlands

The Martinitoren is an inclined church tower located in Groningen, the Netherlands.

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Martinitoren Inclined church tower in Netherlands
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Organ in the Martinikerk at Groningen
Organ in the Martinikerk at Groningen Historic pipe organ in the Netherlands
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Martinikerkhof 2 (Groningen)
Martinikerkhof 2 (Groningen) Rijksmonument op Martinikerkhof 2
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Sint-Joris en de draak Sculpture in Groningen, the Netherlands
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Martinikerkhof 8
Martinikerkhof 8 Rijksmonument op Martinikerkhof 8-8a
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Martinikerk Protestant church in the Netherlands
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Martinikerkhof 9 (Groningen)
Martinikerkhof 9 (Groningen) Building in Groningen, Netherlands
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Feithhuis Rijksmonument in Groningen
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Grote Markt
Grote Markt Main square in the Netherlands
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