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Amiens Cathedral Maze

Amiens Cathedral Maze

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Amiens Cathedral Maze, Labyrinth in France

The maze on the floor of Amiens Cathedral is a fascinating feature of the cathedral.

Amiens Cathedral, completed in the 13th century, is a World Heritage Site.

The labyrinth was used by pilgrims as a path for penance and reflection.

Visitors can walk the labyrinth only when it is uncovered for certain periods each year.

The Amiens Cathedral maze is one of the few remaining labyrinths in French cathedrals.

Location: Amiens

Source: Wikimedia


Amiens Cathedral Maze Labyrinth in France

France 0 m
Amiens Cathedral Maze
Amiens Cathedral Maze Labyrinth in France
France 0 m
Notre-Dame d'Amiens Cathedral in Amiens, France

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Notre-Dame d'Amiens
Notre-Dame d'Amiens Cathedral in Amiens, France
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Beau Dieu Statue in Amiens
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Beau Pilier de la cathédrale d'Amiens Pillar in Amiens Cathedral, France
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