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Palace of Fine Arts, Cultural center in San Francisco

The Palace of Fine Arts is a monumental structure located in the Marina District of San Francisco, California.

Designed by Bernard Maybeck and completed in 1915, it was originally constructed for the Panama-Pacific Exposition to exhibit works of art.

Today, it serves as a popular attraction for tourists and locals, hosting art exhibitions, concerts, and weddings.

It's open from 6 AM to 9 PM daily, with free admission to the grounds.

Its Greco-Roman rotunda and colonnades, set against a serene lagoon, create a unique and picturesque landscape.

Location: Marina District

Location: San Francisco

Inception: 1915

Architect: Bernard Maybeck

Architectural style: Beaux-Arts

Height: 49.4 m

Material: tree, artificial stone, gypsum, concrete


Source: Wikimedia


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