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Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger

Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger

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Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger, Roman theatre in France

The Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger is an ancient Roman theater located in Autun, France.

Constructed during the reign of Emperor Augustus, it was once capable of seating up to 15,000 spectators.

This historic monument reflects the architectural brilliance and cultural importance of theatrical performances in Roman society.

Visitors can explore the remains of this grand structure, gaining insight into ancient Roman entertainment.

The theater's remarkable preservation allows for ongoing archeological research and public performances.

Location: Autun

Source: Wikimedia


Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger Roman theatre in France

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« Théâtre antique du Haut-du-Verger - Roman theatre in France » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.