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Sekhar Gutok, building in Tibetan Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China

Welcome to the Colorful Guge Monastery, located in the town of Se in Lhoka Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. This is a Tibetan Buddhist Gelugpa monastery that has a rich history and cultural significance. The Colorful Guge Monastery is situated approximately 600 meters south of the Se Township Government, at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level. Originally a Kagyu sect monastery, it was later converted to Gelugpa sect. According to legend, in the 11th century, the great translator Marpa Lotsawa funded the construction of a tower called "Colorful Guge" (meaning "Nine-story Prince Castle") and the Kagawa Junni Hall (meaning "Twelve Pillar Hall") below the tower, which was built by his disciple Milarepa. In the first half of the 16th century, the Kagyu scholar Bawo Zangwa Chenba carried out large-scale repairs and expansion of the monastery, forming its present scale. It is said that the murals in the Dukang Hall, which was expanded during this period, were painted by Bawo Zangwa Chenba himself. During the fifth Dalai Lama's reign, the Kashag government stipulated that the monastery be repaired once every year according to the Tibetan calendar. In 1944, the living Buddha of Sangzhuzi presided over the last repair of the monastery by the Kashag government. After this repair, the Colorful Guge Monastery was converted to the Gelugpa sect and began to focus on Gelugpa teachings. In the early 21st century, the government allocated funds to renovate the monastery. This renovation project was the largest since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Colorful Guge Tower is divided into nine floors. The first and second floors are basements and storage rooms, while the third to seventh floors are the original buildings. The eighth and ninth floors were rebuilt in 1985. Except for the first two floors, each floor houses Buddhist statues. One-third of the area on each floor is occupied by staircases, which crisscross each other. The Dukang Hall is located on the west side of the Colorful Guge Tower and is said to have been built by Bawo Zangwa Chenba in the first half of the 16th century. There is a two-pillar corridor in front of the Dukang Hall. Visitors to the Colorful Guge Monastery can experience the unique Tibetan Buddhist culture and appreciate the exquisite architecture of the monastery. The murals in the Dukang Hall are particularly noteworthy, as they were painted by Bawo Zangwa Chenba himself. The monastery's location also offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It is recommended that visitors wear comfortable shoes and warm clothing, as the altitude can be challenging and the weather can be unpredictable.

Location: Lhozhag County

Inception: 1050

Source: Wikimedia


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