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八台教堂旧址, building in China

Location: Zuoyun County

Source: Wikimedia


Huayan Temple (Datong) Buddhist temple in China

China 49.2 km
Huayan Temple (Datong)
Huayan Temple (Datong) Buddhist temple in China
China 49.2 km
Chunyang Gong Taoist temple in China

China 49.6 km
Chunyang Gong
Chunyang Gong Taoist temple in China
China 49.6 km
Shanhua Temple Buddhist temple in China

China 49.7 km
Shanhua Temple
Shanhua Temple Buddhist temple in China
China 49.7 km
Datong Drum Tower Historical tower in China

China 49.8 km
Datong Drum Tower
Datong Drum Tower Historical tower in China
China 49.8 km
Datong Prince's Palace Residence of Prince Dai in the Ming dynasty

China 49.9 km
Datong Prince's Palace
Datong Prince's Palace Residence of Prince Dai in the Ming dynasty
China 49.9 km
Nine Dragon Wall, Datong Wall in China

China 49.9 km
Nine Dragon Wall, Datong
Nine Dragon Wall, Datong Wall in China
China 49.9 km
Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Datong Church building in Datong, China

China 50.2 km
Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Datong
Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Datong Church building in Datong, China
China 50.2 km
Datong Museum Museum in China

China 55 km
Datong Museum
Datong Museum Museum in China
China 55 km

China 64.6 km
China 64.6 km
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