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Young Mao Zedong Statue

Young Mao Zedong Statue

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Young Mao Zedong Statue, Statue in China

The Young Mao Zedong statue is a popular tourist attraction in Hunan, China.

Erected in 1963, it's the first large-scale statue honoring Mao Zedong's youth.

The site symbolizes the revolutionary spirit of Mao Zedong and his contribution to Chinese history.

To visit, you can take a ferry across the Xiang River from Orange Isle park.

At 105 feet tall, it's one of the world's largest portraits of Mao Zedong.

Location: Changsha

Inception: 2009

Height: 32 m

Material: granite

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Young Mao Zedong Statue Statue in China

The Young Mao Zedong statue is a popular tourist attraction in Hunan, China.

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