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Bells of Cologne Cathedral

Bells of Cologne Cathedral

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Bells of Cologne Cathedral, Church bell in Germany

The Bells of Cologne Cathedral, located in Cologne, Germany, are a major attraction.

They have a rich history dating back several centuries and have played a crucial part in many religious ceremonies.

These bells represent an important part of German cultural heritage and are widely acknowledged for their beautiful and unique sound.

There is no fee to visit the Bells of Cologne Cathedral, but donations are encouraged.

With a combined weight approaching 25 tons, the St. Petersglocke is the largest freely swinging church bell in the world.

Location: Cologne

Source: Wikimedia


Bells of Cologne Cathedral Church bell in Germany

The Bells of Cologne Cathedral, located in Cologne, Germany, are a major attraction.

Germany 0 m
Bells of Cologne Cathedral
Bells of Cologne Cathedral Church bell in Germany
Germany 0 m
Petersglocke Bell in Cologne Cathedral, Germany

The Petersglocke is the largest freely swinging church bell in the world.

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Petersglocke Bell in Cologne Cathedral, Germany
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« Bells of Cologne Cathedral - Church bell in Germany » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.