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Les Invalides, Museum complex in Paris.

Les Invalides is a grand complex of buildings in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France.

Originally built as a hospital and home for disabled soldiers by Louis XIV in 1670.

It houses the Musée de l'Armée, the military museum of the Army of France, and the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Open to the public, it's a popular tourist destination in Paris.

The dome of Les Invalides is an iconic symbol of Paris.

Location: Invalides

Inception: 1671

Architects: Libéral Bruant, Jules Hardouin-Mansart

Official opening: 1687

Architectural style: classical architecture


Source: Wikimedia


Les Invalides Museum complex in Paris.

Les Invalides is a grand complex of buildings in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France.

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Les Invalides
Les Invalides Museum complex in Paris.
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Tribune organ of the Hotel des Invalides Orgue monument historique (PM75004240), hôtel des Invalides (Paris, France)

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Tribune organ of the Hotel des Invalides
Tribune organ of the Hotel des Invalides Orgue monument historique (PM75004240), hôtel des Invalides (Paris, France)
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Cathédrale Saint-Louis-des-Invalides Cathedral in France

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Cathédrale Saint-Louis-des-Invalides
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Tomb of Joseph Bonaparte Tomb of Joseph Bonaparte in the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris

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Tomb of Joseph Bonaparte
Tomb of Joseph Bonaparte Tomb of Joseph Bonaparte in the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris
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Tomb of Hubert Lyautey Tomb of Hubert Lyautey in the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris

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Tomb of Hubert Lyautey
Tomb of Hubert Lyautey Tomb of Hubert Lyautey in the Hôtel des Invalides, Paris
France 4 m
Dôme des Invalides Monument in Paris, France.

The Dôme des Invalides is a large former church in the center of the Les Invalides complex.

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Dôme des Invalides
Dôme des Invalides Monument in Paris, France.
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Tomb of Napoleon

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Tomb of Napoleon
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Jardin de l'Abondance Urban park in Paris, France

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Jardin de l'Abondance
Jardin de l'Abondance Urban park in Paris, France
France 67 m
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